Monday, November 7, 2011

loose (and now missing) teeth!

well, the tooth fairy has now made two, what i think is too early, visits to our house. nanea announced her first loose tooth to me, and i actually did not believe her. i was totally shocked when the bottom middle tooth was indeed loose, thinking that she was MUCH too young to be losing teeth! alas, this is not the case. she wiggled and wiggled that tooth for i'd guess almost 2 weeks, and finally, while sitting in makena's ballet class, i suggested she just pull it out and SHE DID! kinda grossed me out, but then again i was never a fan of losing my teeth. she was quite proud of herself and that night got a dollar from the tooth fairy. she was thrilled!
1st tooth pulled out at ballet, VERY proud of herself!

about a week later, her second lower middle tooth fell out at school. she got a great note from her teacher, along with her tooth in a little treasure chest. it was the cutest thing i've ever seen! pics below are from her 2nd lost tooth, taken when we picked her up from school

nanea has the BEST teachers!