Thursday, January 13, 2011

q & a with nanea, age 5!

borrowed this from baby bangs post:

1. what is something mommy always says to you?
to listen

2. what makes mommy happy?
if you smile back to her

3. what makes mommy sad?
when you don't smile

4. how does mommy make you laugh?
by tickling me

5. what was mommy like as a child?

6. how old is mommy?
35 (funny how she remembers these things...but better than 55 which she used to say)

7. how tall is mommy?
this high (stretches hand in the air)

8. what is mommy's favorite thing to do?
stay home

9. what does mommy do when you're not around?

10. if mommy becomes famous, what will it be for?
me (this may very well become quite true one day...)

11. what is mommy really good at?

12. what is mommy not very good at?
really hard puzzles (like sudoku!)

13. what does mommy do for her job?

14. what is mommy's favorite food?
salad (not true, however she thinks all grown-ups love salad)

15. what makes you proud of mommy?
stay home with me and play

16. if mommy were a cartoon character, who would she be?

17. what do you and mommy do together?
have fun and go to special dinners

18. how are you and mommy the same?
same color skin

19. how are you and mommy different?
different color hair

20. how do you know mommy loves you?
well, that's a hard one...

21. where is mommy's favorite place to go?
anywhere with me!


maikib said...

FABULOUS!!! I especially love the "how you're going to be famous" answer-- I'm counting on that being how I become famous!!! My wonderful and amazing niece of course!!!

BKR said...

this is awesome. for the longest time after my trial last year, metztli would say that i worked at a hotel since that's where they had to come visit me for a couple weeks!

Hauptmanns in Hawaii said...

I LOVE this! What amazing answers!