Saturday, September 25, 2010

here i go!

i am traveling SOLO (did you catch that? S O L O) to tennessee next week to meet my dad and sister to visit my grandma b. who is 92 years old. i haven't been there in about 3 years, since nanea was about 18 months old, so i'm overdue for a visit.

this marks the first time that i am leaving the kids for more than a couple of days. and, with noa having to deal with meals, bedtimes, school, etc. on his own (i've only left once for 2 nights over a weekend for work). i'm sure that he'll be fine, but it will certainly be an eye-opening experience for him. i wonder how many days nanea will be late for school...and if he'll remember that they need to be picked up after he's done with work. i guess i'll never really know the truth, but look forward to him being in MY shoes if only for 4.5 days! yes, i'm crazy and am traveling across the country for a very short amount of time!


M. L. Benedict said...

Have a wonderful visit, Aloha. She will be overjoyed to see you. I'm looking forward to photos.

maikib said...

whoop-whoop! can't wait to see you!!

ao_hoku said...

have fun cause u'll never know when the next solo flight will happen. hugs!